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2019 - 2019-04-17

Kenya Tax Alert Issue No. 3 of 2019

This Tax Alert highlights the facts of the recent High Court ruling on the Double Taxation Agreement between Kenya and Mauritius and the recent developments with respect to Value Added Tax (“VAT”).

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2019 - 2019-03-13

Tanzania Tax Journal-A Spotlight on EFD

Tanzania has implemented an electronic fiscal device (EFD) system since 2010. Over the years we have come across taxpayers who have been penalized for improper or negligent use of their EFD.
Through this journal we shed some light on how to manage EFD effectively and we also guide you on how to check compliance boxes to avoid tax repercussions.

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2019 - 2019-03-07

PKF Tanzania Tax Journal-Statement of Tax Accounts

Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) maintains a tax account for all taxpayers. The tax account is for the purpose of recording transactions and is not different from any other account.

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2019 - 2019-02-18

Kenya Tax Alert Issue No. 2 of 2019 - Dividend Distribution Tax

With effect from 1 January 2019, The Finance Act, 2018 repealed Section 7A of the Income Tax Act, CAP 470 (ITA) on compensating tax and replaced it with a tax on dividends distributed out of untaxed gains or profits.
The Kenya Revenue Authority (“KRA”) has issued certain clarifications on the operation of the new changes which we highlight in the publication.

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2019 -2019-02-05

Kenya Tax Alert Issue No. 1 of 2019

The Finance Act, No. 10 of 2018 (The Act) which was assented on 21 September 2018 amended various tax laws as highlighted in our 2018 Budget Book and Tax Alert Issue No. 5 2018.
Whereas most of the amendments became effective on 1 July 2018, there are a number of amendments which became effective on 1 January 2019. This alert highlights amendments which became effective on 1 January 2019 and the recent developments with respect to Value Added Tax Auto Assessment (“VAA”) among other important developments.

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PKF in Eastern Africa Member Firms Budget Reviews -2018-07-17

PKF Kenya 2018-2019 Budget Review

The Finance Act, 2018 may bring in additional amendments and we will keep you abreast of the same.

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