Mike Kimundu
Tel: +254 732144000
Email: mkimundu@ke.pkfea.com
Professional Experience
Mike has over 20 years' experience
Professional Qualifications and Memberships
- A member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya - CPA (K)
- Certified Public Secretary- Graduate
- Certified Information Systems Audit Graduate
Key Experience:
Mike has been involved in the development of audit technical materials including the model audit file for ICPAK as part of a capacity building project for small and medium-sized audit firms in Kenya, financial statements template for SACCOs and NGOs, and development of a specialised manual for political parties affiliated with the Centre for Multiparty Democracy - Kenya (CMD).
In 2017 Mike led a project to assist ICPAK in updating the model audit file in line with recent changes in auditing and financial reporting standards. Mike is also part of the quality control review team.
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